Hands-On Sensor Web Open Source Software!

In order to get the most easy jump-start on Sensor Web software, we have developed a set of Docker containers. You will require Docker running on your machine in order to use the following examples. Instructions for all supported platform are available at:


52°North Sensor Web Docker Containers

This section provides a brief overview on the available Docker images for the Sensor Web, created and maintained by 52°North:


mdillon provides docker images of PostgreSQL with PostGIS extensions and templates installed. We have based our example databases on these images.

SOS Setup

The 52north/sos-configured docker image consists of a pre-configured SOS instance running in a Tomcat container. It has the following settings:

  • Database connection: PostgreSQL on postgres:5432 with credentials postgres:postgres (the DB is running in a DNS named (postgres) docker container)
  • Administrator account with credentials admin:admin
  • Transactional operations enabled

The 52north/sos docker image is a simple instance of a non-configured SOS. This image requires the installation procedure to be executed.

Using an Empty Database

For this example, we use the non-configured 52north/sos docker image. Run the following docker commands:

  1. Start the postgres container: docker run -e "POSTGRES_DB=sos" --name sos-empty-postgres -p 5432:5432 mdillon/postgis:9.5
  2. Run the sos docker image: docker run --link sos-empty-postgres:postgres -p 8080:8080 52north/sos:4.3.8

Alternatively, you can use the following docker-compose.yml file (run with docker-compose build && docker-compose up):

version: '2'
    image: mdillon/postgis:9.5
      - 5432:5432
      - 5432
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DB=sos
    image: 52north/sos:4.3.8
      - 8080:8080
      - postgres-db-empty:postgres

Now, access http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp. The landing page will tell you to execute the installation procedure. Follow this guided procedure. In particular, apply the following properties:

  • as the Datasource select PostgreSQL/PostGIS
  • in the Database Configuration section, make sure to set the Host to postgres

You will have your SOS running in a few seconds.

Using a Pre-filled Database

For this example, we use the pre-configured 52north/sos-configured docker image. A database with some sample data is available as the 52north/sos-weather-postgres docker image. Execute the following docker commands:

  1. Start the postgres container: docker run --name sos-weather-postgres -p 5432:5432 52north/sos-weather-postgres:4.3.8
  2. Run the sos-configured docker image: docker run --link sos-weather-postgres:postgres -p 8080:8080 52north/sos-configured:4.3.8

Alternatively, you can use the following docker-compose.yml file (run with docker-compose build && docker-compose up):

version: '2'
    image: 52north/sos-weather-postgres:4.3.8
      - 5432:5432
      - 5432
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DB=sos
    image: 52north/sos-configured:4.3.8
      - 8080:8080
      - sos-weather-postgres:postgres

The SOS is now up and running at http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp.


Both the 52north/sos and the 52north/sos-configured image come with the Series REST API bundled in the webapp. You can access the API at: http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp/api/v1/.

Helgoland (JS Client) Setup

The images also contain the Helgoland JavaScript client. You can access the client at: http://localhost:8080/52n-sos-webapp/static/client/helgoland/#/map

More Example Data

SOS Solar Irradiance Example Database

This database contains in-situ data for Solar Irrandiance as well as data derived by several models. The data is located at a station in Signes, France, and contains data for the first two weeks of September 2015.

The provided data is an excerpt of the database provided on http://webservice-energy.org/. This platform is an effort carried out by the center Observation, Impacts, Energy (O.I.E.) of MINES ParisTech / ARMINES and also from the SoDa Team toward the Energy and Environmental Community.


The database is available as a docker container:


For usage, adjust the above docker commands (or docker-compose.yml) with the corresponding image: 52north/sos-solar-postgres:4.3.8.


The data contained in this sample database has been kindly provided by Solaïs.


Addtionally, we thank Mines ParisTech (i.e. Lionel Menard) for supporting the collection of the sample data.
