Helgoland API Documentation

This is the Helgoland API SwaggerUI


GET Available endpoints.

A (static) collection of endpoints available from this API. Each includes a relative path and a short description.


Name In Description Type
expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.



200 A collection of API endpoints


GET A simple search.

A simple search over all resource’s labels over all available endpoints. Note that the searching respects the current locale being selected.


Name In Description Type
q query Term which shall match (case insensitive) a resource's label String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 A collection of search results


GET Gets available categories

All available category instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of categories
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a catefory instance

Gets a category instance.


Name In Description Type
categoryId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available datasets

A collection of available datasets. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata.

Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.

crs query

The client indicates that input geometries shall be interpreted as being referenced by the given CRS (for example in case of crs=EPSG:25832 to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N).

Per default geometries are referenced by the WGS84 CRS (CRS84, i.e. lon/lat order). If crs value differs from default, all output geometries are transformed to match the asked CRS.

Please note that some CRS switch coordinate axes. Double check axes ordering before interpreting coordinates!

bbox query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used. The Box can be supplied as either as json Points or as GeoJSON bbox.

Alternative 1: json Points

json bbox={ "ll": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "ur": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] } }

Alternative 2: GeoJSON bbox

json bbox=<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>

near query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used.

json near={ "center": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "radius":500 }



200 A collection of datasets
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a particular dataset

Full view of a dataset instance. All relevant relations (parameters, unit, platform, etc.) are inlined. If any additional information is listed in the extras array member it can be retrieved via /datasets/{datasetId}/extras (see next).


Name In Description Type
datasetId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 A collection of datasets
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets the observation values for the dataset

Gets data for a given timespan filter. Implementations may limit the maximum amount of time intervals a client can query in one request.

What Mime-Types are supported depends on the valueType. For example quantity observations can be drawn as a timeseries chart (i.e. either image/png or application/pdf). Supported Mime-Types are listed for each valueType when querying /service/{serviceId} produces:

  • application/json
  • image/png
  • text/csv
  • application/pdf
  • application/zip

Data can be classified into result times if these differ from actual timestamp. For example, this is the case for forecast data which might re-calculate (different result times) a given timespan. The data can be grouped by using resultTimes parameter. When resultTimes parameter is missing, data of the oldest result is being returned.


Name In Description Type
datasetId path String
expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

timespan query

An ISO8601 formatted period. Only backslash formatted values are supported.

format query

Controls the output format of raw timeseries data. This avoids converting between different data formats on client side which uses a 3rd party chart rendering API. Currently, supported formats

  • tvp Time value pairs (the default)

  • highcharts Highcharts series data format.

Refer to the Format section for detailed information how the formats will look like.

resultTimes query

Filter data which is available for different result times. Query /extras?fields=resultTimes beforehand to get a list of result times or add resultTimes=all to get all data classified by result time. In case of resultTime is missing from Query, those data will be returned which belongs to the oldest result time.

showTimeIntervals query

Select whether Time fields in the output shall be returned using a single Timestamp or a Time Interval.

generalize query

Indicates that timeseries data shall be generalized. See generalization section for details.



200 Data for a given `timespan` in a requested output format
400 A query parameter does not match expected format
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available datasets

A collection of available datasets whose dataset type is timeseries. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata.

Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.

crs query

The client indicates that input geometries shall be interpreted as being referenced by the given CRS (for example in case of crs=EPSG:25832 to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N).

Per default geometries are referenced by the WGS84 CRS (CRS84, i.e. lon/lat order). If crs value differs from default, all output geometries are transformed to match the asked CRS.

Please note that some CRS switch coordinate axes. Double check axes ordering before interpreting coordinates!

bbox query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used. The Box can be supplied as either as json Points or as GeoJSON bbox.

Alternative 1: json Points

json bbox={ "ll": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "ur": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] } }

Alternative 2: GeoJSON bbox

json bbox=<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>

near query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used.

json near={ "center": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "radius":500 }



200 A collection of datasets
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available datasets

A collection of available datasets whose dataset type is trajectory. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata.

Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.

crs query

The client indicates that input geometries shall be interpreted as being referenced by the given CRS (for example in case of crs=EPSG:25832 to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N).

Per default geometries are referenced by the WGS84 CRS (CRS84, i.e. lon/lat order). If crs value differs from default, all output geometries are transformed to match the asked CRS.

Please note that some CRS switch coordinate axes. Double check axes ordering before interpreting coordinates!

bbox query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used. The Box can be supplied as either as json Points or as GeoJSON bbox.

Alternative 1: json Points

json bbox={ "ll": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "ur": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] } }

Alternative 2: GeoJSON bbox

json bbox=<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>

near query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used.

json near={ "center": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "radius":500 }



200 A collection of datasets
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available datasets

A collection of available datasets whose dataset type is individualObservation. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata.

Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.

crs query

The client indicates that input geometries shall be interpreted as being referenced by the given CRS (for example in case of crs=EPSG:25832 to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N).

Per default geometries are referenced by the WGS84 CRS (CRS84, i.e. lon/lat order). If crs value differs from default, all output geometries are transformed to match the asked CRS.

Please note that some CRS switch coordinate axes. Double check axes ordering before interpreting coordinates!

bbox query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used. The Box can be supplied as either as json Points or as GeoJSON bbox.

Alternative 1: json Points

json bbox={ "ll": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "ur": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] } }

Alternative 2: GeoJSON bbox

json bbox=<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>

near query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used.

json near={ "center": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "radius":500 }



200 A collection of datasets
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Get available feature instances

All available instances.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.

crs query

The client indicates that input geometries shall be interpreted as being referenced by the given CRS (for example in case of crs=EPSG:25832 to ETRS89/UTM zone 32N).

Per default geometries are referenced by the WGS84 CRS (CRS84, i.e. lon/lat order). If crs value differs from default, all output geometries are transformed to match the asked CRS.

Please note that some CRS switch coordinate axes. Double check axes ordering before interpreting coordinates!

bbox query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used. The Box can be supplied as either as json Points or as GeoJSON bbox.

Alternative 1: json Points

json bbox={ "ll": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "ur": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] } }

Alternative 2: GeoJSON bbox

json bbox=<minx>,<miny>,<maxx>,<maxy>

near query

Features within a given bounding box (in WGS84 by default). Refer to the crs parameter if a non-default CRS shall be used.

json near={ "center": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [<x>,<y>] }, "radius":500 }



200 A collection of features
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets an feature instance

Gets a feature instance.


Name In Description Type
featureId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available offerings

All available offering instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of offerings
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a offering instance

Gets a offering instance.


Name In Description Type
offeringId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available offerings

All available offering instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of offerings
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a offering instance

Gets a phenomena instance.


Name In Description Type
platformId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available platforms

All available platform instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of platforms
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a platform instance

Gets a platform instance.


Name In Description Type
platformId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available procedures

All available procedure instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of procedures
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a offering instance

Gets a procedure instance.


Name In Description Type
procedureId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available tags

All available tag instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

services query

All resources where the given service id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of tags
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a offering instance

Gets a tag instance.


Name In Description Type
tagId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets available services

All available service instances. Depending on the expanded parameter the collections items are compact or do inline full metadata. Filter options help to focus on a particular set of items. Filter either by parameters or spatially.


Name In Description Type
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.

expanded query

If true a list of partially expanded resource items is returned. The expansion provides more detailed information up to a certain point. However, it does not necessarily provide all item information as one may get when request the resource item itself.

The expanded works almost only for resource collection. However, exceptions may exist (e.g. for getting raw data). Exceptions are explicitly documented. The default is false.

offerings query

All resources where the given offering id does match.

phenomena query

All resources where the given phenomenon id does match.

procedures query

All resources where the given procedure id does match.

categories query

All resources where the given category id does match.

platforms query

All resources where the given platform id does match.

features query

All resources where the given feature id does match.

datasetTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the dataset type filter.

Allowed values are individualObservation, sampling, timeseries, profile, trajectory.

observationTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the observation type filter.

Allowed values are simple, profile, timeseries, trajectory.

valueTypes query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the value type filter.

Allowed values are quantity, count, text, category, bool, geometry, blob, reference, complex, dataarray or any other custom types given by the implementing backend.

mobile query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the mobile filter.

insitu query

Filters the resources to get only those related to the insitu filter.

matchDomainIds query

If true the filter parameters would be executed on the domain id/identifier of the entity. The default is false.



200 A collection of services
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported


GET Gets a offering instance

Gets a category instance.


Name In Description Type
offeringId path String
locale query

Specifies the language as ISO639 code. Subdivisions are respected by an _ , e.g. en_US for American English.

The REST-API should consider the following order to detect a locale

  • Accept-Language (e.g. header information)
  • locale parameter

A fallback language cannot be specified as it depends on the data of the service provider.



200 An expanded item
404 Item not found
415 Media Item not supported