How to extend a timeseries entry component

This tutorial gives a stepwise instruction on how extend a timeseries entry component with a new html-template. This tutorial can be used as a follow up of Integrate a D3 timeseries component.

Step 1: Preparation to add new components

  • add scss support

    • adjust in .angular-cli.json the parameter defaults.styleExt from css to scss
  • restucture of the view to have two other divs beside the diagram

    • change app.component.html to
      <div class="diagram">
          <n52-d3-timeseries-graph [datasetIds]="datasetIdsMultiple" [selectedDatasetIds]="selectedIds" [datasetOptions]="datasetOptionsMultiple" [timeInterval]="timespan" (onTimespanChanged)="timespanChanged($event)" [graphOptions]="diagramOptionsD3"></n52-d3-timeseries-graph>
      <div class="bottom">
          <div class="left">
              <!-- here comes the common timeseries entry component -->
          <div class="right">
              <!-- here comes the extended timeseries entry component -->
    • rename app.component.css to app.component.scss and adjust it to
      :host {
          .diagram {
              height: 500px;
              flex: 1;
          .bottom {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: row;
              .right {
                  width: 50%;
    • adjust the import of the styles in app.component.ts to app.component.scss

Step 2: Add existing timeseries entry component to app

  • install @helgoland/depiction add HelgolandDatasetlistModule to import

    • do a
      npm i @helgoland/depiction
    • add HelgolandDatasetlistModule in app.modul.ts to the import list therefor you need to import it:
      import { HelgolandDatasetlistModule } from '@helgoland/depiction';
    • please check if you use at least typescript v2.6 or greater, otherwise install it with:
      npm i typescript@~2.6
  • add SettingsService to provider

    • create an Injectable ExtendedSettingsService which will extend a SettingsService in your project and add the missing imports (SettingsService, Settings of @helgoland/core and Injectable of @angular/core)
      export class ExtendedSettingsService extends SettingsService<Settings> {
          constructor() {
              // TODO add settings here or load it from somewhere else...
    • add this ExtendedSettingsService in the list of the providers
          provide: SettingsService,
          useClass: ExtendedSettingsService
  • add n52-timeseries-entry to app.component.html (integrate this in the previous created div with the class left)

      <div>Common timeseries entries</div>
      <div *ngFor="let id of datasetIdsMultiple">
          <n52-timeseries-entry [datasetId]="id" [selected]="isSelected(id)" [datasetOptions]="datasetOptionsMultiple.get(id)" [timeInterval]="timespan" (onSelectDataset)="selectDataset($event, id)"></n52-timeseries-entry>
  • add selectDataset-method to AppComponent class (handles the selection of a dataset triggered inside the timeseries-entry-component)

      public selectDataset(selected: boolean, id: string) {
          if (selected) {
          } else {
              this.selectedIds.splice(this.selectedIds.findIndex((entry) => entry === id), 1);
  • add isSelected-method to AppComponent class (informs the timeseries-entry-component, if the dataset is selected)

      public isSelected(id: string) {
          return this.selectedIds.indexOf(id) > -1;
  • with a ng serve you should see now the diagram and the listed timeseries entries, by clicking an entry you can highligh it in the diagram

Step 3: Extend timeseries entry with new template

  • add angular-material in version 5 (see also the here)
    • install
      npm i @angular/cdk@^5.0.0 @angular/material@^5.0.0
    • adjust app.module.ts with MatCardModule and MatButtonModule in the import list and import them from @angular/material
    • add a style sheet to styles.scss
      @import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";
  • create new component ExtendedTimeseriesEntryComponent - this will generate a component with a basic template an style sheet. The component is also added to the app.module.ts to the declarations list
      ng generate component extended-timeseries
    • adjust extended-timeseries.component.html to
      <div style="padding: 5px;">
          <mat-card class="example-card">
                  <div mat-card-avatar [ngStyle]="{'background-color': datasetOptions.color}" (click)="changeColor();"></div>
                  <mat-card-title>{{phenomenonLabel}} - {{uom}}</mat-card-title>
                  <button mat-button (click)="toggleSelection()">Highlight</button>
    • adjust extended-timeseries.component.ts
      export class ExtendedTimeseriesComponent extends TimeseriesEntryComponent {
          public changeColor() {
              this.datasetOptions.color = this.color.getColor();

Step 4: Add new timeseries entry component to app

  • add new component app-extended-timeseries to app.component.html (integrate this in the previous created div with the class right)
      <div>Extended timeseries entries</div>
      <div *ngFor="let id of datasetIdsMultiple">
          <app-extended-timeseries [datasetId]="id" [selected]="isSelected(id)" [datasetOptions]="datasetOptionsMultiple.get(id)" [timeInterval]="timespan" (onSelectDataset)="selectDataset($event, id)" (onUpdateOptions)="updateOptions($event, id)">
  • add updateOptions-method to AppComponent class (this method is bound with the app-extended-timeseries component and reacts on dataset option changes)
      public updateOptions(option: DatasetOptions, id: string) {
          this.datasetOptionsMultiple.set(id, option);

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