This method sends a GetObservation request to the given SOS.


signature(sos = "SOS", offering = "SosObservationOffering") or signature(sos = "SOS", offering = "character")

Request observation data from the given SOS for the given offering (either character identifier or an object of class SosObservationOffering).

signature(sos = "SOS", observationId = "character")

Request observation data from the given SOS for the given observation identifier.


It takes a variety of inputs, of which only the offering is mandatory for GetObservation request, and the observationId for GetObservationByIdRequests.


# request observations
mySOSpox <- SOS(url = "",
             binding = "POX", useDCPs = FALSE)

myOffering <- sosOfferings(mySOS)[["ws2500"]]
period <- sosCreateTimePeriod(sos = mySOS,
                begin = as.POSIXct("2015/11/01"),
                end = as.POSIXct("2015/11/02"))
eventTime <- sosCreateEventTimeList(period)

nov2015 <- getObservation(sos = mySOSpox,
                          offering = myOffering,
                          eventTime = eventTime)

# request observation by identifier and get the data
obsId <- getObservationById(sos = mySOSpox,
                            observationId = "")
sosResult(obsId, coordinates = TRUE)
# }