JavaPS Documentation
This documentation guide provides helpful information about the JavaPS Java project, developed by 52°North. This documentation is based on the project state from December 2016. The most current development of JavaPS is available from the official GitHub repository.
General Information
This section provides general information about the JavaPS project, which offers a state-of-the-art implementation of an OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) version 2.0.0.
From an architectural point of view, JavaPS is based on the generic Iceland project, equally developed and maintained by 52°North. Iceland represents a generic Java framework for OGC Web Services. Hence it offers a generic service infrastructure implementation in accordance to the OGC Web Service Common specification. On top of this generic service infrastructure, Iceland can be extended to implement concrete web services. As an example, JavaPS utilizes Iceland to become a well-designed Web Processing Service. For this reason, JavaPS provides key Java components such as request objects, response objects, decoders, encoders, parsers as well as other components related to OGC WPS.
Links to Subpages of the Documentation
Within this documentation, several aspects of the implementation are addressed. The documentation is split across the following sub pages, each focusing a certain aspect:
- notes on architectural aspects are presented within page Architectural Details
- the dynamic interplay of Iceland's and JavaPS's components is focused on page Sequence Diagrams. Is makes use of UML sequence diagrams to show the method calls from receiving a WPS request to sending the response.
- recommendations and explanations on how to add custom processes (as executable algorithms) to JavaPS are provided on page How to add new Processes/Algorithms.